Business Ramblings, Help Me!


I like to think I’m at least of average intelligence, but I’m starting to question that.  How on earth have I made it this far in life without understanding the insanity that is domain names, IP mapping, domain hosting, and Website creation?  I feel like Alice falling down the rabbit hole.

For every single item I think I have hammered out, 10 more things pop up that need to be handled before that one item can be fixed.

You want a business card?  What’s your web address? 

I think it’s www. The Domain Name I Purchased .com

{this next part was said at about 100mph}

Well, because you registered that domain name through G Suite, which used GoDaddy to host the domain, you need to call GoDaddy to get them to do a domain IP redirect. 


My head is swirling.  I just want to put my logo on a business card.

Does anyone have any suggestions for resources on starting your first Website with your first domain name/personalized URL?  Seriously, is there a book for someone who doesn’t even qualify as a dummy, yet?  This is an SOS from one frazzled momma!

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